Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Challenge has Just Begun!! (and before and after pics)

Well, the Advocare 24 day challenge is over and I must say it has been an awesome start to a lifestyle change that was looonnngggg overdue.  I must say, the most important thing I have learned is that I have to make time to care for me.  I know most moms can relate to my make time for everyone else in your life, especially those adorable little creatures that you gave birth to, and the things that will make you happy get a little lost.  I was a little lost.  Looking back to a month ago, I think I was depressed.  Not in the Cymbalta commercial way (with the sad dog and the lady that doesn't leave the house), but in the I forgot about what makes me feel good about myself way.  So, during this little journey, I have realized that I need to take care of me first, then everyone else will be happier and better taken care of.  Here are some things that I have done to make myself healthier and happier during this time:

  • I went to the dentist for the first time in 2 1/2 years.  It sucked, but I got my teeth in check and I feel better for it.
  • Got the free Zoom whitening that came with that visit.  Pure awesomeness!!!
  • Got some clip in hair extensions.  I actually bought the hair and sewed in the clips myself.  I always try to grow out my hair and then end up cutting it.  I love them and they make me happy.
  • Went to the doctor for the first time since the kid was born.  They asked if my medical history had changed.  I said yes.  I had the baby.  It's a boy!!!  (just a reminder- he's two now).
  • Worked out more and didn't feel bad leaving my kiddo in the child watch.  He loves it there and I love getting my swole on.  Happy momma, happy kid  :)
  • Changed my flooring and painted my bathroom...these were big on my to-do list for years and just got done.  It feels good to get the house in order.
  • Spent some time in the kitchen on Sunday getting meals ready for the week.  Prepare to prepare!!!
  • Committed to time with my friends, at least once a week, without my little person.  This has been immensely good for the soul.

I know a lot of these seem like little things, but they get lost in the shuffle of day to day life, and as I cleaned out my body, I sort of cleaned out my mind, too.  Balance has been huge for me and I feel like I am just a more well rounded person.  I'm no less cynical or quick to speak my mind, but just more balanced.  :)

So, let's get to the good stuff- the before and after pics.  They speak volumes that my silly words could never compare to!

I have lost 12 pounds, 9 inches, and 5% body fat. I now weight 165.4 pounds. I went from obese to normal in 24 days.  That's it.  1/2 pound a day.  Most weight loss companies promise 2 pounds a week.  At that rate, I would have been at 6.857 pounds lost by today. I (Almost) doubled that.  Unreal.  And, I truly believe that the supplements I have been taking are filling in the holes in my nutrition and helping to keep me fuller and more satisfied through the whole process.  I am also lifting heavier than I have ever been able to before, so I know that while I am losing fat, I am truly gaining muscle. I only lost 2 additional pounds after the 10 day cleanse, but I lost 5 additional inches!  The proof is in the puddin and I certainly have less puddin.  And got my squat press to 240.  Decent :).
I am committed to Advocare and am truly a believer in the process and the product.  My journey is not over, as I want to get down at least another 15 pounds and continue to work on my total wellness.  If anyone wants to ask a question or join me, please don't hesitate to reach out- my email is
Also, if these B and A pics have motivated you to give this thing a shot, please visit my website and order yourself a 24 day challenge.  I will help you as much as possible through your own journey!
Thanks for following me- and I'll be back to update you on my progress :)


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