Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day 16- Down a size

I'm officially down a size.  Don't be confused.  I am not in the size I would like to be in, but, I am one size closer!!  My weight is down 10 lbs, and although inches mean more to me than pounds, it still feels extra good.  My belly isn't as bloated and jiggly, my butt isn't quite so low and wide, and my hips are a little smaller.  We are on our way to beach ready (19 days until we leave...I have my work cut out for me!)

I totally cheated Sunday night, too.  I had wine.  A couple glasses.  And by a couple, I mean three.  It was amazing and I didn't gain any weight, but I certainly didn't feel as good the next day as I have in the past two weeks.  Lesson learned.  Don't do that again.  (It was just so delicious!!!).  It was a social situation and Cabernet was calling my name!  If I just drink a bit (not three glasses) when we go out, I won't drink often at all.  Which is good. 

I am getting bored with our food situation, so I experimented a bit yesterday.  I made sweet potato chips, but they didn't ever get crispy, so they were more like sliced sweet potatoes.  I also have incorporated hummus into the ole diet, which I love (with carrots, cucumbers, and or peppers).  Tonight we are having ground turkey chili to switch things up, too. I think I am going to try some peanut butter banana ice cream in the blender tomorrow.  I need something kind of sweet and delicious without binging on cookie dough ice cream or something.  Clearly, that behavior got me into this mess :).  Now to keep it going!!!

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