Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day 11- Before and After the10 Day Cleanse pictures

Max phase has officially begun which means 2 things.  I take more supplements and you get to see some bikini pics.  Lucky you!

Once you see these pictures, you may have a couple question like- Did she get a perm? or Is Diana Ross her biological mother?  To answer these made up questions- No, I haven't gotten a perm since the incident I refer to as "Why you don't color your hair and get a perm in the same sitting" debacle of 1994.  It was bad.  Also, I am not 100% sure if I am related to Diana Ross since I was born with this fro puff and no one else in my family is blessed with it.  However, it is very difficult to get DNA samples from a mega star like her.  I guess it's up in the air, but my guess is no.  No Ross genes here. 

So, I think 8 pounds and 4 inches has made a pretty big difference for the better in just 10 days.  I am glad the cleanse is over and although the rules do state that I could have a bigger variety of food options, I am going to stick with the clean eating, no dairy, and no wheat for the remainder of the 24 Day Challenge.  Why lose another 5 pounds when I could lose 8 more, right? 

Email me if you want to learn more about Advocare- or just go straight to my website and order it

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