Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day 11- Before and After the10 Day Cleanse pictures

Max phase has officially begun which means 2 things.  I take more supplements and you get to see some bikini pics.  Lucky you!

Once you see these pictures, you may have a couple question like- Did she get a perm? or Is Diana Ross her biological mother?  To answer these made up questions- No, I haven't gotten a perm since the incident I refer to as "Why you don't color your hair and get a perm in the same sitting" debacle of 1994.  It was bad.  Also, I am not 100% sure if I am related to Diana Ross since I was born with this fro puff and no one else in my family is blessed with it.  However, it is very difficult to get DNA samples from a mega star like her.  I guess it's up in the air, but my guess is no.  No Ross genes here. 

So, I think 8 pounds and 4 inches has made a pretty big difference for the better in just 10 days.  I am glad the cleanse is over and although the rules do state that I could have a bigger variety of food options, I am going to stick with the clean eating, no dairy, and no wheat for the remainder of the 24 Day Challenge.  Why lose another 5 pounds when I could lose 8 more, right? 

Email me if you want to learn more about Advocare- or just go straight to my website and order it

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Days 9 and 10- Inches have been lost!

Woohoo!!!  The cleanse is over and I am definately ready to get going on the Max stage.  My body is cleaned out and I am ready to get on with it!!!  According to everything I have read and seen I will feel like a new woman in this next stage.  I sure hope this new woman looks alot like Gisele.  Or Kate (Upton).  Or another lady that looks a heck of a lot better in a bathing suit than I do.

I did have a girls night at my house on Monday- no snacks. No wine. No wine. A little whine (from me). Although I could smile and say that it felt really good to skip the drinks...I'm not going to. It was hard. And I missed my red, little (sometimes big) friend named Cab. It has really been easy up until that point. I literally grabbed my bestie's glass and smelled it. And not just a whiff. It was a weird, uncomfortable sniff. Skinny won, though. I didn't have a sip. So there. 

I have been stagnant in my weightloss for the past three days, but I am keeping those 8 pounds off...which is great!!!  I did retake my measurements today so you could see the difference after the cleanse.  I will post new pics tomorrow-get excited. 

                             Before                        After

Right Arm              12"                             12"

Chest                      38.5"                          37.5"  (dang- always the first to go)

Waist                      33"                            32.5"

Hips                       44"                             42"

Right Thigh           23"                             22.5"

Right Calf             14.5"                          14.5"

Just so you don't have to break out the calculator, that is 4 inches.  Pretty cool.  I guess that explains why my fat pants feel loose.  The weight isn't as important as the inches and I have to say that I am pretty happy with the results so far.    I've had a couple requests for more info about my program, so feel free to email me if you want more-

Also, now that you can see my amazing results after 10 days, if you want to order the same challenge I'm doing, you can go to my website and order the 24 Day Challenge bundle. -just contact me if you have any trouble on the site :).

Bikini pics tomorrow!!!!


Monday, February 25, 2013

Days 7 and 8- I found sushi. Miso happy!

Not gonna lie, today I am tired.  I don't know how much this has to do with the cleanse and how much it has to do with the fact that I have been non stop since last Monday, or the fact that my lovely son did not take an afternoon nap today.  It's tough to say, but I am chugging a Spark now just in hopes of making it to my two year old's bed time. 

I did work out today for the first time in a week.  That's not to say that I haven't been active (painting, priming, sanding, cleaning, reupholstering, cooking, chasing- the kid mostly).  I just haven't been pumping the old iron.  It felt good, but I was definately hungrier today than in the past week.  More water and a little bit bigger of a snack than usual and I was good to go.  The kiddo's little bites blueberry muffins looked delicious, but alas...I resisted.  And he would have probably bitten me if I tried to take one.

We watched the Daytona 500 on Sunday with my family and I do have to say that it was strange to watch a sporting event without tons of snacks and a whole lotta beer, but we did well! Our buffet consisted of Advocare approved chili, almonds, and water.  YUM!!!!  I'm joking-kind of. The chili was great, and everyone left the table satisfied and feeling a little better about themselves than usual.

Sidenote on food: Trader Joe's carries brown rice sushi.  Amazing.  With some Braggs liquid aminos.  Made my day.  No lie.   

Well, I'm sure you have been waiting with bated breath, but I did not get to my 10 lb goal for today.  That was a pretty lofty goal and I know that.  We are having fish tonight, which usually means a better weigh in-fingers crossed!!   8 lbs total so far.  And my fat pants are very loose.  I haven't had the guts to try on the next size down.  I am waiting to buy any clothes until I get to my goal weight (another 15 lb from now).  So if you see me at Target and I look like I'm in a garbage bag, well, now you know why.  Please tell your friends I'm not homeless :).    I'm done with the cleanse after Wednesday and I will be posting new measurements on Thursday.  Then on to the Max stage- that's where the weight loss really gets started.  Get excited!!!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Days 5 and 6- My First Weekend

Weekends are rough.  The hubs is home and our schedule is pretty much nonexistant.  We laze around the house, go out for lunch, order in for dinner and I do enjoy my wine on Friday and Saturday nights. 

Things are a little different this weekend!  We did some errand running this morning, but then it was 1pm and we were starving and on the road....what to eat????  Well thank you Qdoba for saving the day!!!!!!  They now serve brown rice.  Holy crap.  It's like they knew I was doing this challenge and heard my prayers.  Granted, I did not get my usual chicken nachos with chips on the side (which is amazing), but I did get a naked chicken burrito with brown rice, lettuce, black beans, pico, and hot salsa.  I ate half and socked the rest away for later, and though I am sure it isn't as healthy as something I could make at home, it hit the spot and I didn't feel like a lethargic failure after I ate it!!

Going to a fast food place and feeling good about what I ate made me realize that this is what I should have been ordering every time I went to Qdoba!  Just because I wasn't on a "diet", I should have eaten healthy- there are always options.  It's kind of a no brainer.  If you are what you eat, then I was a hot mess before I got started with this.  That's probably why I lost so much weight initially.  I am excitedly looking ahead to the future and to making (and ordering) healthier food for me and my family.  I lost another 1/2 pound in these last two days.  I'll take it- 7.5lb total...especially since the first 10 days aren't even for weight loss.  That's what the last 14 days are for!!!

So, I went to redbox and got some movies to watch tonight.  I may put my water in a wine glass just to feel special.  We will go to bed at like 10:30p.  On the plus side, we will wake up early and not feel groggy or slow.  And I will excitedly run to the scale in the morning again (as opposed to avoiding it like the plague after a day of eating nachos and pizza). 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Days 3 and 4- Just Say NO to Dinosaurs

Sorry I missed yesterday...we were putting our house back together from getting new flooring until after midnight.  I was tired. 

So as of this morning I am down a total of 6.8 lbs.  When was the last time you lost that much weight in 4 days?  For me, it was when I got my wisdom teeth surgically removed.  I was on an oxycodone/milkshake diet for a week.  It went well.  I bought my first pair of size 4 shorts as soon as I could pull myself out of bed.  I wore them for one week.  It was a great week!!!  (Obviously that was a really long time ago.  I haven't seen the single digits in short sizes for a good long while.)

Everything is going really well with the eating and supplement taking- I haven't gotten bored with food yet and haven't run into too much temptation.  Tonight, however, the kid didn't finish all of his chicken nuggets.  I'm not going to lie, those little chickens shaped into dinosaurs were definately roaring at me, however I did not succumb.  I ate my pesto chicken and brown rice noodles like a champ- and it felt good to ignore the little breaded pieces of deliciousness.  I think that little victory made my chicken taste that much better. 

On another note, Spark (the Advocare energy drink) has made me a "get stuff done" machine!!!  I bought fabric today in hopes of reupholstering some bar stools in the next month or so.  Instead, when my little guy went down for a nap, I got straight to work.  Four bar stools- 2 hours.  No matter what happens at this end of this challenge, I will continue to use Spark!!!  Between the clean eating, lack of alcohol, and Spark, I am more focused than ever!  Stay tuned- I'm hoping to hit the 10 lb mark by Monday!!! 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 2- Motivated!!!

I woke up this morning like it was Christmas, just like I do every time I think I might have lost weight (due to a new diet, or my lack of eating real food for a day, or somthing generally unhealthy).  I am usually pretty disappointed-  0.25 lbs down or something dumb.  I run to the bathroom, strip as quickly as possible and step on the scale.  The drumroll from National Lampoon's Chirstmas Vacation happens in my head.  No disappointment today folks!!!  Down 3.8 lbs!!!!!!!   Not too shabby.  I do realize that this trend will not continue, however it feels good and I am taking it as a W.

The motivation from this morning's weigh in followed me all day today.  It's amazing what 3 pounds can do for your soul.  I packed up my lunch, snacks and Spark and took it all upstairs so I could work on painting my bathroom and vanity while downstairs a crew was pulling up 500 square feet of tile.  I ate a salad and hard boiled egg in my bedroom.  While that was really weird, it felt good to eat food that was good for me.  Usually in that situation I would have run out to Wendy's or McD's and gotten fatter.  Today skinny won.  I think that's the secret for my success in all of this.  Take it day by day and let skinny win!!!

Tonight I ate at my mom's house, since my stove is in the office.  Chicken and spaghetti squash. Delish!!!  Lucky for me, my whole family is doing this challenge together.  Support at its finest.   

Tomorrow I am locked away in my bedroom again, like a Rapunzel with short, dark hair who can leave whenever she wants.  I'm not expecting another phenomenal weightloss tomorrow,  but it would be a whole lot cooler if it was!!!!  I'll let you know how it goes!!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Day 1- Easy Peezy

Well, day one is in the books and it was a success.  I never felt hungry or tired!  I was never really full, but as long as I snacked as recommended I was satisfied.   There is a fiber drink on this cleanse, which some people have complained about, but my husband described it as a very pulpy orange juice.  Not nearly as bad as some of the fiber drinks I have had on other cleanses (I'm the queen of cleanses, too...not just diets). 

Today was a super busy day and I must say that preparing before I left the house was absolutely the most important thing I could have done.  Having my rice cakes and almonds preportioned in baggies saved me today!!!

Tomorrow I will be locked in my bathroom painting all day while the tile downstairs gets pulled up, so I'm bringing a cooler upstairs with me.  I won't even have access to other food all day, so I'm pretty sure I will do alright.  I will check in tomorrow to let you know how it goes and my weightloss from day one. 

PS.  I forgot to tell you my body fat percentage.  It's 31.8%.     Check out the chart.  If that's not a kick in the butt to do something quick, I don't know what is!!!!! 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Just Breathe and Push Publish

So today I do the unthinkable.  I post pics of me in a bathing suit to the web.  I don't really know why I'm freaking out. I have already had this body of mine out and about for all the pool and Lake Michigan goers of the world to see!  Somehow it's different. 

Before you get to see me in all my glory, you have to learn a little bit about me.  I'm 31 and a stay at home mom.  I am the queen of diets. Atkins, Cabbage soup, cleanses, LA Weightloss, Weight Watchers....I've done it all.  And I am so sick of dieting- it's the same old story.  Lose 10 pounds, gain 12.  Again and again and again.  The last time I was on a diet (HCG) I lost 12, then gained 60.  But, in all fairness, I found out I was pregnant shortly after starting that last one. 

I used to work in a gym and would watch all of the stay at home moms check in at 10am, put their kiddos in babysitting and run off to pilates, or yoga, or whatever.  I used to think, "They have all day to plan meals, work out and be skinny- no wonder they look so good!!!".  Well, now I check in to the Y at 10am, 3 or 4 days a week, drop my kid off at child care, and run off to work out, and am still overweight!  I guess it's not as easy as it looked back in the day and I am sorry for judging those women.  I mis-judged how hard it is to be a parent and how hard it is to manage what you're eating when you are making sure you are raising a well-fed, well-mannered, entertained, clean, happy child. 

So, I do work out 3-4 days a week.  And not just walking on a treadmill or doing the elliptical for 30 minutes.  I'm pretty hardcore.  I squat 200lbs, I throw that kettlebell around like it's my job, I lunge and curl and sweat with the best of them.  And, nothing.  No results.  I'm stronger than I used to be, and I don't get tired going up and down stairs.  My body, though????  Well, you'll see.  Clearly eating is the key.  That's where Advocare comes in.  Cleanse, take vitamins, get off the diet Coke and the coffee, eat clean, feel good, and get in great shape!!!! 

Today is my prep day.  Time to make that refridgerator full of fruits, veggies and lean meats into easy meals and snacks.  Preparation is key and I know that.  I even bought mason jars so I can jump onto the Mason Jar Salad bandwagon.  Thanks Pinterest. 

Ok.  Enough about me.  Let's get to the good stuff. 


Arm: 12"
Shoulders: 23.25"
Chest: 38"
Waist: 33"
Hips: 44"
Thigh: 23"
Calf: 14.5"

My goals are to drop inches in the Arm, Waist,Thigh and Hips.  We shall see!!!  (I would like to see my chest grow, but yeah, I know that won't happen.)

I will post my pics and measurements today, after the 10 Day Cleanse, and after the full 24 Day Challenge.  I'll post weight loss every day!  This is the bathing suit I ordered for Spring Break and I will wear this for every picture.  And I showered and put on makeup for my before picture.  I hate those before pics when people look dirty and sad, then the in the after pic they look all blonde and tan.  Duh they look better after.  I won't do that. 

Ok, here's what you have been waiting for:

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My bloggity blog

So, just a heads up, I am starting a blog.  It's not one of those cute blogs with pics of my family and an update on our precious life.  Don't get me wrong, I have an adorable family and we do tons of fun stuff, but that's what facebook is for, right?  What I need is some accountability for my new undertaking- Advocare. 

I'm starting with the 24 day challenge on Monday and will update with weight, measurements, and some of my musings on diets and my experience.  Nothing too heavy.  Get excited to see the before stats and pics.  My embarassment is for your humor - and hopefully by the end of the journey I will be the one laughing all the way to a smalller, new wardrobe!