Monday, February 18, 2013

Day 1- Easy Peezy

Well, day one is in the books and it was a success.  I never felt hungry or tired!  I was never really full, but as long as I snacked as recommended I was satisfied.   There is a fiber drink on this cleanse, which some people have complained about, but my husband described it as a very pulpy orange juice.  Not nearly as bad as some of the fiber drinks I have had on other cleanses (I'm the queen of cleanses, too...not just diets). 

Today was a super busy day and I must say that preparing before I left the house was absolutely the most important thing I could have done.  Having my rice cakes and almonds preportioned in baggies saved me today!!!

Tomorrow I will be locked in my bathroom painting all day while the tile downstairs gets pulled up, so I'm bringing a cooler upstairs with me.  I won't even have access to other food all day, so I'm pretty sure I will do alright.  I will check in tomorrow to let you know how it goes and my weightloss from day one. 

PS.  I forgot to tell you my body fat percentage.  It's 31.8%.     Check out the chart.  If that's not a kick in the butt to do something quick, I don't know what is!!!!! 

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