Sunday, February 17, 2013

Just Breathe and Push Publish

So today I do the unthinkable.  I post pics of me in a bathing suit to the web.  I don't really know why I'm freaking out. I have already had this body of mine out and about for all the pool and Lake Michigan goers of the world to see!  Somehow it's different. 

Before you get to see me in all my glory, you have to learn a little bit about me.  I'm 31 and a stay at home mom.  I am the queen of diets. Atkins, Cabbage soup, cleanses, LA Weightloss, Weight Watchers....I've done it all.  And I am so sick of dieting- it's the same old story.  Lose 10 pounds, gain 12.  Again and again and again.  The last time I was on a diet (HCG) I lost 12, then gained 60.  But, in all fairness, I found out I was pregnant shortly after starting that last one. 

I used to work in a gym and would watch all of the stay at home moms check in at 10am, put their kiddos in babysitting and run off to pilates, or yoga, or whatever.  I used to think, "They have all day to plan meals, work out and be skinny- no wonder they look so good!!!".  Well, now I check in to the Y at 10am, 3 or 4 days a week, drop my kid off at child care, and run off to work out, and am still overweight!  I guess it's not as easy as it looked back in the day and I am sorry for judging those women.  I mis-judged how hard it is to be a parent and how hard it is to manage what you're eating when you are making sure you are raising a well-fed, well-mannered, entertained, clean, happy child. 

So, I do work out 3-4 days a week.  And not just walking on a treadmill or doing the elliptical for 30 minutes.  I'm pretty hardcore.  I squat 200lbs, I throw that kettlebell around like it's my job, I lunge and curl and sweat with the best of them.  And, nothing.  No results.  I'm stronger than I used to be, and I don't get tired going up and down stairs.  My body, though????  Well, you'll see.  Clearly eating is the key.  That's where Advocare comes in.  Cleanse, take vitamins, get off the diet Coke and the coffee, eat clean, feel good, and get in great shape!!!! 

Today is my prep day.  Time to make that refridgerator full of fruits, veggies and lean meats into easy meals and snacks.  Preparation is key and I know that.  I even bought mason jars so I can jump onto the Mason Jar Salad bandwagon.  Thanks Pinterest. 

Ok.  Enough about me.  Let's get to the good stuff. 


Arm: 12"
Shoulders: 23.25"
Chest: 38"
Waist: 33"
Hips: 44"
Thigh: 23"
Calf: 14.5"

My goals are to drop inches in the Arm, Waist,Thigh and Hips.  We shall see!!!  (I would like to see my chest grow, but yeah, I know that won't happen.)

I will post my pics and measurements today, after the 10 Day Cleanse, and after the full 24 Day Challenge.  I'll post weight loss every day!  This is the bathing suit I ordered for Spring Break and I will wear this for every picture.  And I showered and put on makeup for my before picture.  I hate those before pics when people look dirty and sad, then the in the after pic they look all blonde and tan.  Duh they look better after.  I won't do that. 

Ok, here's what you have been waiting for:

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