Thursday, February 21, 2013

Days 3 and 4- Just Say NO to Dinosaurs

Sorry I missed yesterday...we were putting our house back together from getting new flooring until after midnight.  I was tired. 

So as of this morning I am down a total of 6.8 lbs.  When was the last time you lost that much weight in 4 days?  For me, it was when I got my wisdom teeth surgically removed.  I was on an oxycodone/milkshake diet for a week.  It went well.  I bought my first pair of size 4 shorts as soon as I could pull myself out of bed.  I wore them for one week.  It was a great week!!!  (Obviously that was a really long time ago.  I haven't seen the single digits in short sizes for a good long while.)

Everything is going really well with the eating and supplement taking- I haven't gotten bored with food yet and haven't run into too much temptation.  Tonight, however, the kid didn't finish all of his chicken nuggets.  I'm not going to lie, those little chickens shaped into dinosaurs were definately roaring at me, however I did not succumb.  I ate my pesto chicken and brown rice noodles like a champ- and it felt good to ignore the little breaded pieces of deliciousness.  I think that little victory made my chicken taste that much better. 

On another note, Spark (the Advocare energy drink) has made me a "get stuff done" machine!!!  I bought fabric today in hopes of reupholstering some bar stools in the next month or so.  Instead, when my little guy went down for a nap, I got straight to work.  Four bar stools- 2 hours.  No matter what happens at this end of this challenge, I will continue to use Spark!!!  Between the clean eating, lack of alcohol, and Spark, I am more focused than ever!  Stay tuned- I'm hoping to hit the 10 lb mark by Monday!!! 

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